Thursday, May 29, 2008

Website for Muslims

A friend of mine asked me to pass this along. It's a website designed to give Muslims a safe place to explore the Scriptures and answer common objections against faith in Christ. What makes the website unique is the way it makes use of the Koran to point seekers toward a Biblical understanding of who Jesus is. A lot of people don't know this, but the Koran has many positive things to say about Jesus and the Bible. Once I was in a north African country in the middle of the Saharan desert and was meeting with a group of believers. When I asked them how they came to know Jesus they explained that the Koran says that Muhammed was a sinner, but that Jesus (whom they call Isa) never sinned. This is what got them on the road to learning more about Jesus and eventually deciding to follow Him.

Check the website out here!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The last day of monarchy for Nepal

Below is an e-mail I received from Reuben Rai, an indigenous church planter in Nepal. I thought my readers might enjoy some news information from around the world.

Today is the last day for Monarchy and tomorrow Nepal shall anounce itself a Republic State. Elected members were sworn today in new assembly. Keep on praying for Nepal.
For more Nepali news click here:

Lets not forget that we are called to Go into all the World and preach the gospel, no matter what happens in the World, lets continue to serve the Lord and His people.

Pleaes pray, we have street kids feeding program on 30th May in City Ground for the street kids of Kathmandu.
My leaders ask your prayers as they go to villages around Nepal to share the gospel with the countrymen.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bibles for Pakistan

Below is an e-mail I received from Pastor Rashid in Pakistan. I've been in communication with Pastor Rashid for about a year now. I'm going to start posting some of the letters I receive from pastors around the world to this blog. Sometimes there are direct appeals for funds, other times there are stories about what's happening in their respective countries. I thought my readers might enjoy hearing from some of the people that I'm in weekly communication with around the world. If you'd like to help one of these ministries, you can go to my website and make a donation.

Dear Brother Aaron Taylor,

Greetings in Jesus Name,

I hope you are fine and doing great job for Lord Jesus Christ. I and my team members are continuously praying for your and for your team and for the success of your church. Also we are praying for your mission trip for Pakistan.

Brother I have a request to you as you know we are working in many outreach areas and you have visited on door to door Bible distribution section on United Ministries Pakistan website. Last year we have distributed more then 700 Urdu Bibles free of cost to new believers. Now we again want to start Bible distribution mission. We need more then 2500 Urdu Bibles for our outreach areas. People are waiting for their own Bibles. Urdu is national language of Pakistan and people can easily read Urdu Bible. Brother you have to share this letter with your brothers and sisters in Christ and friends and relative and church members to help us in this mission. Your small help will be very big contribution. We will send you complete Bible distribution report with pictures. We will be very thankful to you for this kindness. Kindly reply me soon.

God bless you and your family richly,

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Rashid Emmanuel