Friday, September 22, 2006

Aaron in the news

It's official. I'm a celebrity! Well, not actually. My name was mentioned in an article in the Farmington Daily Times, a Newspaper in Farmington, New Mexico. Never mind the fact that the article is mostly about my father-in- law Eliot O Brien and his pastor Steve Marquez and their ongoing efforts in Pakistan. Oh well, I'll take what I can get. Here is the article. To my millions of readers (I think I hear the Twilight Zone music about now) Have a great day!


  1. Very cool Aaron!
    How come they didn't mention the worship team??
    Nice Blog

  2. Hey Chris,

    Thanks for reading my blog. Was that a rhetorical question, because I'm not sure which worship team you are referring to.

    It was great to see you this weekend. It is rare to hear musicians wiht a prophetic edge.

  3. Hi
    It was rhetorical and a joke.
    I believe the Lord will raise up a true prophetic voice in these days.

    Thanks for visiting Rock With Wings. Check out my Doxy and Praxy site. You are right I am not a big fan of the ecumenical movement.
    I know I can be a bit hard-edged but, ....

    Doxy and Praxy

    The url came about as joke, due to some of the more colorful dissenters who comment at my site.
