And then comes the bombshell. Here is a quote from the man of peace that has baffled peace loving hippie wannabees like me for centuries.
Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. for I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's enemies will be those of his own household.
At first glance I want to throw my hands up in despair. The carnal mind in me says something like this, "Come on Jesus! I really thought you were better than that. I thought you were a man of peace and now you're telling me that you came to divide families? Isn't there a more tolerant moral teacher out there that isn't so divisive? No wonder there is so much war in the world. Perhaps religion is the problem."
And then I remember the courageous Christians around the world who are kicked out of their homes, thrown out on the streets, persecuted mercilessly by their families (and in many cases, their governments) and yet they can't seem to remove the glow on their faces and the warmth in their eyes. Those that make the ultimate sacrifice to follow Jesus may lose their fathers, their daughters, even their wives or their husbands, but their faces continue to shine because they haven't lost the one thing that matters the most-their dignity as human beings.
I think that Jesus understood something that much of the world still does not understand to this day. Jesus understood that an essential element of human dignity is the ability to follow one's conscience in regards to matters of faith. The ability to make a free and uncoerced decision in response to a religious truth claim is one of the primary elements of human dignity. This is why those who decide to follow Jesus despite the opposition are often some of the most joyful people in the world.
If everything that we see, touch, taste, smell, and hear will one day pass away (as the Bible and science tell us will happen) then what truly matters for the individual is not peace, safety, comfort, stability, or even procreation (after all, if there is no God eventually everything will cease to exist, including one's descendants). All that truly matters is connecting with ultimate reality. Connecting with God should be priority number one for every human being because without God, life is meaningless.
Even if life leaves us broken, frustrated, abused, humiliated, or confused, all of us as long as we have air in our lungs and blood pumping through our veins can choose to worship the one who gave us the greatest gift of all-our existence. When we connect with God despite the cost to our temporary human relationships, we affirm the value of what separates us from the rest of the primates-our conscience.
Some may call Jesus a hopeless idealist, an egomaniac, or even a mad man. And that's okay. People said the same thing while He was walking on earth. I, for one, choose to call Him Lord. And, because I've decided to follow His teachings, I'll stand up for the rights of all who disagree. Given the rest of Jesus's life and teachings, I think that is exactly what He would want me to do.
ReplyDeleteAt what cost would you defend your ideal of an end to violence?
In all but one concentration camp during WWII the Jews did not incite any violence. Yet, in one camp they rebelled. The Jews killed most of their german captors and a third of them died in the process. Was it wrong for them to rebel and incite violence?
Or even closer to have written recently that you enjoy being an American and your freedoms, but people had to die so that you can even speak some of your thoughts in a public forum. Are you enjoying the fruits of someone else's sin?
Ironically, the whole "everyone should be allowed to believe as they wish to without being persecuted through violence and I will stand up for that" thought means that violence will have to take place in order to stop the persecution. It is a perplexing situation, but any time you say " I will stand for _____" you either take a stand to sit by and watch the violence occur or you promise to do something about it by inciting some violence of your own.
Of course you can say that you will take a stand through diplomacy, as most people are in Darfur. The result....we talk while people die. If the talking finally comes to a plan of action then we go in with machine guns and violently take control in order to stop the violence. So I guess I'm asking if you would rather have your cake or eat it, because it seems violence will occur.
Jesus was not a pacifist.
ReplyDeleteYou have read way too much into what I am trying to say. I never said Jesus was a pacifist. Neither did I say that there is not a time for a just war. I personally believe that the strong have a moral obligation to defend the weak, so a military intervention in Darfur is justifiable in my thinking.
Of course I know that we will never have a world without violence. I'm focusing on the ends, not the means. All I am saying is that, as a Christian, we should be the world's greatest peace makers because the prince of peace lives in our hearts. No, we will never have a world utopia until Jesus comes back, but, as Christians living out the values of the sermon on the mount, we can make the world a better place in the meantime.
Sorry Aaron, I tend to think that your posts are thought out theologically in advance so I tend to put your ideas to extreme tests and see how they hold up. I certainly understand your thoughts and agree with your main ideas. I read your posts skimming for fallacies, loopholes, paradoxes and such. It helps me to learn what things I need to think about before stepping up to a pulpit and voicing some theologically unsound idea. Sorry if it bothers you. I'll stop if you want but if not, thanks for being my study buddy!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely don't stop. You are asking good questions. It is good for me to have a sounding board to see how my ideas are being interpreted. It helps me as a communicator. Even if I am a little harsh at times, know that I respect your opinion.