Friday, November 30, 2007

Inspiration moment- a homeless playwrite

Scripture says to give honor to whom honor is due. I saw on CNN today one of the most inspirational stories I've seen in a very long time. Since I've been going to a homeless shelter once a month to serve a meal and minister the gospel, this story took on a significance greater than maybe it would have before.

Meet Haywood Fennell Sr. Haywood is an ex-convict who spent years of his life rotating between prisons and homeless shelters (at least that was the impression I got watching his story on CNN). As Haywood was spending his days in a homeless shelter, he began writing plays. His plays focus on the plight of the underclass and serves to educate Boston residents on African American history and civil rights issues. Not only is Haywood a distinguished playwrite, but he also works in areas of prison reform and veterans affairs.

Here is a link to learn more about Haywood.

Haywood credits his turnaround as an answer to other peoples' prayers.

I just thought this story might lift your spirit as it has mine.

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