Friday, January 09, 2009

Question: Do I need to get re-baptized if I rededicate my life to Christ??


Hi Mr. Taylor, Greetings in the name of Jesus .

I would like to ask you a question on baptism, but first I will explain a brief history of conversion.
In 1996 I believe, I went to church and listened to a reverend preach during a crusade and if I remember correctly he asked the congregation a question about being saved, I stood cause I knew I wasn't at the time. After, we prayed the prayer of repentance and repeated Romans 10:9: 'that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved.
Days later I was baptized, spent time in the church for a number of years but , have backslided and now I have repented and I believe I have fully surrendered my heart to God and want to serve him. The Bible says one Lord , one faith , one baptism and in rev, it says repent and do thy first works.
I think that I may not need to be baptized again, but, if I did not mean it or had fully surrendered to God before immersion the first time, should I be baptized again? I always believe that Jesus was the son of God but was God in the flesh is this also correct?

I thank you
so much for your time and answering,
May God Bless All


In principle, normally I wouldn't recommend getting baptizing again, but after reading the very last line of your question, I suggest that you get baptized again. Here is why. I don't believe that a person can truly be saved without acknowledging that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Believing that Jesus is the Son of God is not enough because unless Jesus is fully God and fully man, then His blood doesn't qualify to be the atonement for the sins of the world. Please refer to one of my previous posts Why the deity of Christ matters. My suggestion is that you solidify in your heart that Jesus is God in the flesh. And once you've done this, you can be baptized into the fuller revelation of who Jesus is.

May God bless you as you commit your life to Christ fresh anew!

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