Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Michael J. Fox and the reality of Bhutan

Recently former Family Ties and Back to the Future star Michael J. Fox visited the country of Bhutan as part of his documentary exploring the theme of optimism around the world. A much publicized part of the documentary is the "gross domestic happiness" that the Bhutanese king ensures his people. Here is what Fox had to say about his visit to Bhutan.

“Bhutan sets an excellent example,” said Michael J. Fox. “The fourth King and the government have been very wise and the people have been very smart and responsible in the way that they’ve responded to their leadership. I hope that y’all are aware of the gift you’ve been given, about where you live and how beautiful it is, and also how you’ve taken care of it.”

Now I don't fault the actor for seeing the positives in the way they do things in a far away country. Too often we in America think that our system of government and way of life are the only possibilities available to ensure the possibility of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Perhaps we in America can learn a lot from the way they do things in Bhutan. Having said that, let me insert a reality check that you will not see in Fox's upcoming documentary.

Below is an e-mail I just received from one of the top leaders of the underground church in Bhutan. I've omitted the names for security reasons:

Dear Respected Brother Aaron,Family and all the faithful praying family's in USA warm and loving greeting's to you all. i am writing you this email on behalf of our two impassioned brothers who are in the jail for the last three years and their kids and family's are now is a very tough situation financially they are dry and children's without school and because they could not pay the dues to schools and school authority has discontinued their schooling's so please do kindly pray for this very urgent needs and share it with those praying friends
i am trusting the lord for the miracle to happen and their kids will be able to rejoin the schools and they will also have food and clothes at home while their parents are in the jail for the cause of the gospel.
please do kindly share it with others as an urgent prayer request please.

Apparently the "gross domestic happiness" comes at a price. In Bhutan, you are only allowed to be happy if you conform to the King's religion.

Please pray for these brothers, and if you would like to help them, e-mail me at fromdeathtolife@gmail.com

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