Saturday, June 20, 2009

The DKBA in Burma is preparing for a slaughter-act now!

Let me get straight to the point. The Burmese army is slaughtering the Karen people as I write this. Over the past couple of weeks, the DKPA has forced thousands of Karen people living in IDP camps (camps for internally displaced people) to flee their homes and swim across the river to Thailand. Since then, they've placed land mines in the camps and are basically waiting for people to return so they can kill them. It's important to note that these internally displaced people have already been forced out of their homes once, which is why they were in IDP camps in the first place.

Here is the part where you come in. The Thai military is considering forcing these people to swim back across the river--to certain death. Last night I received an urgent e-mail informing me of the situation. I called Amnesty International and left a message. Apparently, their office is closed on the weekend. I know that they will know what to do, so I'd like for as many people as possible to call Amnesty International's office and tell them just what I told you. Perhaps they can organize a mass e-mail campaign to pressure the Thai military to do what is right for the new refugees. The number is 212-807-8400.

I urge everyone reading this to pick up the telephone, and then pray!

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