Dear friends,
I hope you're having a good day today. I thought I'd share a few things that I wasn't able to squeeze into my previous letter. A few weeks ago I received an e-mail from an American missionary in Cambodia detailing the life story of a young Cambodian man that has started a church in a remote village. The individual was someone that I taught, and singled out, in last year's Simply the Story workshop in Cambodia. This young man began ministering to children through stories, and in particular, the God's Story recording that our team brought with us. Before he knew it, the children started coming to church--and bringing their parents! It's a real pleasure being a part of training someone that takes the training and uses it to win souls to Christ! I know that there were many other influences that contributed to this young man's success, but I'm grateful to be one of those influences. As the Apostle Paul says, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase" (I Corinthians 3:6).
Secondly, I just received a report from Jean Pierre, our disciple in Senegal. As you may remember, a few months ago I, along with a colleague, taught two workshops in Senegal, one in Ziguinshor and one in Dakar. I've just been told that one of the pastors that we trained has used our training and, again, along with the God's Story recording, has won several people among the Serer tribe to Christ. I've been told that there's a high demand now for the God's Story film. Jean Pierre asked that we send 15 films to him immediately so that he can distribute them to the pastors.
Lastly, you may recall that back in August of last year I sent an e-mail detailing the Muslim attack on the Christian village of Gojra in Pakistan. At least 9 people were killed, over a hundred homes were destroyed, along with several church buildings. I knew that Christians in the U.S. could have an influence on the situation, so I located the general contact e-mail address for the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan. I asked our supporters to write to the U.S. embassy informing them that according to our local sources, the rioting was still going on and that the Pakistani government was not doing enough to protect the Christians in Gojra. Some of you responded. Yesterday, I spoke with one of our Pakistani contacts and he informed me that the Pakistani government has since stepped in and started rebuilding the village of Gojra--including the churches! He told me that when he saw my e-mail he put it out on his Face Book page and eventually a lot of people wrote in to the U.S. embassy. He believes that the e-mails were a big factor in persuading the Pakistani government to help the people of Gojra. Again, I don't presume to say that our e-mails were the only factor in this situation (The New York Times did an outstanding job in covering the situation) but I do believe that they made a difference.
I hope that this encourages you to make a difference wherever you live.
While there is still time,
P.S. To learn more about me and the ministry of Great Commission Society, or to make an online donation, please go to
Aaron, Just saw Holy Wars in Columbia, you made me proud to be a Christian. Your position will not be popular with many, I saw it as Christ like.
Thank you Jack. I'm glad you got a chance to see the film. Pray that God uses this film around the world to bring glory to Christ!