Friday, June 11, 2010

Back from Ethiopia, what I'm working on now

Dear friends,

Now that I have two small children, I'm finding very little time to write, so I'll make this brief. My wife and I have been back in New Mexico since last Wednesday. Before that we were in St. Louis for a couple of weeks so that my parents can have their special time with our newborn son Christian. After two weeks my dad and I went to Ethiopia to pick up Isaac, the new addition to our family.

Isaac is fun, playful, and affectionate--but also a hand full!! Since we got him when he was a year and a half, there's some real separation issues that he's dealing with. It's been a difficult adjustment for him and for us but I know that in his own time he'll settle down and realize that we're his forever family.

As far as ministry is concerned, the planning for the festival in Farmington for August 28th is going well. The churches involved have started an initiative called "United to Help." The premise is to unite the churches in the Four Corners region to help the community in practical ways while giving the Body of Christ a platform to share the gospel. The four pillars of "United to Help" are we give, we serve, we pray, we celebrate.

United to Help is taking on a life of its own now and, frankly, I'm blown away that the Lord is using me as a catalyst to get this started. The first all-church service project is on June 24th. The participating churches will be helping a charity called the Family Crisis Center, a shelter for battered women, move into their new facility. What's great about "United to Help" is that it's not a one time thing. It's a comprehensive vision that incorporates the elements of unity (like joint worship, joint prayer) with elements of service and evangelism (like joint food drives, joint service projects and an annual festival). The churches involved see United to Help as a long term vision that will take place year after year.

If you live in the Four Corners region and you'd like to know more about United to Help, shoot me an e-mail.

Okay, this is me thinking out loud, but I really think that "United to Help" can be a model for other towns and cities across the nation. Again, that could be just me getting ahead of God with my own agenda. Time will tell.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

While there is still time,


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