Dear President Elect Obama,
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on your win to the White House. That our nation elected the first African American president is truly historic and as an American citizen, I’m proud that our nation has taken this historic step undoing centuries of oppression and injustice towards our nation’s black citizens.
You have said you want to unite us as a nation. An excellent place to work for such unity would be for you to put your full support behind the Democrats for Life initiative known as the Pregnant Women Support Act (its goal is to reduce abortion by 95 percent over a 10-year period).
This bill would:
• Establish a toll-free number to direct women to places that will provide support during and following their pregnancy.
• Provide child care to low-income and student parents.
• Provide parenting education in maternity group homes.
• Make the Adoption Tax Credits permanent.
• Ensure that pregnant women are not denied health care by insurance companies and that coverage is continued for newborns.
• Codify the regulation that extends coverage under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to low-income pregnant women and unborn children.
• Increase funding for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program.
• Provide grants to institutions of higher education to fund pregnant and parenting student services.
• Provide new mothers with free home visits by registered nurses.
All of these measures would help fulfill the pledge made in the 2008 Democratic Party platform, which “strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.”
I urge you to take moral leadership in this matter.
Aaron Taylor
I also sent a letter to both men urging them to ban partial birth abortion. I'd like to urge my readers to do the same. Remember that these men work for us! This is how we serve as a prophetic witness to speak truth to power. We write to them.
Just thought I'd mention that most of those actions are already in place in most of not all states. There's a lot of great financial assistance out there for unwed mothers and their young children, but so many do not know.