Friday, November 07, 2008

Stop the violence in the Congo!

I received this e-mail from the local Amnesty International group here in St. Louis. I wasn't able to get through, but I'll be sure to try again later.

This isn't really an Amnesty action, but it could be. I hope you will all consider doing this in addition to anything you are doing on this issue already. The situation in the eastern DRC has deteriorated rapidly recently. I don't have much faith that it can be stopped, but we have to try.


Stop the Violence in Congo

Dear Friend,

The renewed rebel offensive in the eastern Democratic Republic of the
Congo threatens to return the region to all-out war and has already
displaced at least 200,000 additional civilians. The UN mission in Congo
(MONUC), while the largest UN mission, is not able to protect civilians
from atrocities without immediate reinforcements.

Call Secretary Rice and tell her that you want stopping the violence in
Congo to be a priority during her final days in office: (202) 647-5291.

The ten-year war in eastern DRC led to the deaths of 4.5 million people,
as well as tens of thousands of rapes before a peace agreement supported
by the international community halted much of the violence. That peace is
now breaking. The international community must reinforce MONUC and
urgently deploy the diplomatic resources necessary to save the peace
agreement and prevent a war that will again lead to mass death,
displacement, and rape of civilians.

The international community is beginning to mobilize. France and Britain
have sent their highest-ranking officials to the region. Unfortunately,
despite her earlier efforts to end violence in Kenya, the U.S. Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice has not engaged on a comparable level in the
DRC and her efforts are needed.

Secretary of State Rice's efforts were critical to ending the violence in
Kenya earlier this year. Her efforts are needed today in Congo.

Call Secretary Rice and tell her that reinforcement of the UN Mission and
high level diplomacy are needed to ensure the safety of civilians in the

Take Action Now:

Call Secretary Rice's office at (202) 647-5291 and tell her that:

* you want stopping the violence in Congo to be a priority during her
final days in office

* reinforcement of the UN Mission and high level diplomacy are needed to
ensure the safety of civilians in the DRC

To all my fellow Christian brothers, small actions such as this is part of our prophetic duty to speak truth to power. Every little bit helps.

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